Marja Lamoree is a professor of Analytical Chemistry for Environment and Health. She is an expert in the field of Effect-Directed Analysis, in which in vitro effect-based testing, chromatographic fractionation and high resolution mass spectrometry are used to identify Chemicals of Emerging Concern. Her research focuses on both human and environmental exposure assessment. She develops analytical methods for novel classes of compounds, including plastic additives and nano- and microplastics in environmental as well as human samples such as blood, amniotic fluid and placenta tissues. She currently supervises 7 PhD students, several of them in the framework of Marie Skłodowska Curie training networks. She does contract research for government and industry, but primarily her research is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development and the European Commission, with various European Framework projects, e.g. Panoramix, on mixtures.