
Dr. Yvonne Staal – RIVM

Dr Yvonne Staal is an inhalation toxicologist (ERT) and has a PhD in toxicogenomics (Maastricht University, 2007). Yvonne was a project leader for in vivo inhalation studies and air exposure of in vitro models (Air-Liquid-Interface exposure) at TNO (later Triskelion). In 2015 she joined RIVM.

Her work focusses on the development and implementation of animal-free methods and molecular approaches to understand the toxicity based on mechanism of action. Furthermore, she is initiator and coordinator of various projects using in vitro models for inhalation toxicity testing aiming at applying such models for hazard characterization of inhaled agents. In these projects she connects with related fields, such as in vitro dosimetry, kinetics, adverse outcome pathways and networks, immune toxicology, combined exposure to chemicals and microorganisms and the human relevancy of read-out parameters. Together with Nick Beijer, she was a co-lead of the ZonMW project FISHH in which environmentally sourced microplastics were assessed on their immunotoxicological effects.

Contact information


Adress for corespondence:
PO Box 1,
3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands