Dr. Melissa Stunnenberg is a postdoctoral researcher at RIVM, in the field of environmental microbiology and human health. Her work focusses on monitoring microbial activity and microbial risks from environmental matrices for human health.
Melissa Stunnenberg received her PhD at Amsterdam UMC in 2021, where she specialized in the viral sensing of HIV-1 RNA by the human innate immune system. In the MOMENTUM project, Melissa is work package leader of WP5 (together with prof. dr. Ana Maria de Roda Husman) and task leader within this work package. She addresses the role of micro-and nanoplastics on microbiological communities both in environmental matrices and in in vitro settings.
Contact information
Address for correspondence:
Centre for zoonosis and environmental microbiology
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
3720 BA Bilthoven
The Netherlands