Leo Koenderman is professor at the Pulmonary Medicine department since 2000 and joined the Center of Translational Immunology of the UMCU since 2013. He specializes in the translational research concerning acute and chronic inflammation in humans. His research focus is the innate immune system and its role in chronic inflammatory diseases.
He did his PhD at Sanquin (1986-1990) studying mechanisms of granulocyte activation. Then he moved to the UMCU as assistant professor in 1990 and became associate professor in 1995. He had a sabbatical leave to work on cytokine induced signaling in primary immune cells in the laboratory of prof. A. Lopez in Adelaide (Australia: 2003-2004).
Part of his work is now focused on the effect of environmental abiotics on the functionality of the innate immune cells. His work on microplastics started in a TA-COAST consortium in 2014 (grant nr 053.21.112).
Contact information
Address for correspondence:
Lundlaan 6