Dr Hans Bouwmeester has over 15 year of experience in the toxicological risk assessment of chemicals. He has a long standing experience in studying the safety of nanomaterials and nanoplastics. He is passionate about the development of novel and advanced in vitro models that emulate the key functionality of the human intestine and liver, and to use them for fundamental studies on the interaction of chemicals with cells.
Currently he is embedded in the division of toxicology. The group has a long track record in mechanistically driven toxicological research and training. The research infrastructure at WU is state-of-the-art, and there is close cooperation with other national and international leading research groups. Research at WUTOX, although fundamental in nature, has strong connections and links with industry and regulatory authorities.
Dr Bouwmeester was leader of the ZonMW breakthrough project that assessed the chemical leachates from nanoplastics under physiological conditions. He has been leading several organ on-chip projects funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. He was and is involved in several FP7 and H2020 research projects on nanosafety (i.e. Marina, NanoFase, AceNano, Biorima).
Bouwmeester is a European Registered Toxicologist and coordinates the postdoctoral course on Risk Assessment (PET). He is coordinator and lecturer in BSc and MSc courses on toxicology, is supervising >10 PhD candidates and numerous BSc and MSc thesis students.

Contact information
Address for correspondence:
Stippeneng 4,
6708 WE Wageningen
Building 124, Helix room 403