Gert-Jan (1963) has a background in Polyolefin catalysis (DSM 1993-2000; now Sabic) and has been Professor of Polymer Catalysis at Eindhoven University of Technology.
After joining Avantium in 2000, he was appointed as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in 2004. He developed novel processes from carbohydrates to FDCA monomer and 100% bio-based PEF polyester for bottles, fibers and film. In addition, Gruter is involved in the development of Biorefinery Technology, a 1-step process for sugars to Mono Ethylene Glycol and the Technology for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to polyester monomers such as oxalic acid and glycolic acid.
Gert-Jan is inventor on more than 100 patent applications; he was elected “2014 European CTO of the year” and runner-up European inventor of the year in 2017. Gert-Jan is currently part-time professor Industrial Sustainable Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), where he is working on novel sustainable polyesters for re-use, on biodegradable polyesters, on chemical recycling and upcycling, on consumer psychology and on quantification of environmental plastics.
Contact information
Address for correspondence:
Zekeringstraat 29, 1014 BV Amsterdam, the Netherlands