Flemming Casee, PhD, ERT, is an inhalation toxicologist with an h-index 63 based on > 191 scientific papers. In this position, he is involved in research into adverse health effects from airborne nanomaterials, plastics and particulate matter and gaseous components (e.g. ozone, nitrogen dioxide) in the ambient air.
In addition to this, he is professor of inhalation toxicology at the Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is leading projects of multidisciplinary teams and has a strong focus on science for policy and regulations.
He is senior scientific advisor to the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Waterstate, the Health Council of the Netherlands, World Health Organisation and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and others.
Furthermore, he is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Particle and Fibre Toxicology and a reviewer/editor of a number of other international scientific journals. In recent years, his focus is also on safety aspects of nanomaterials and as such, he is member of the coordination team of the European Nanosafetycluster, overarching EU funded nanosafety projects.
He has particpated in and is still participating in a number of these projects e.g. NANoREG, NanoMILE, SUN, NanoImpactNet, ENPRA, and PATROLS, NanoHArmony, SAbyNa as well as FACTs on aircraft cabin air safety assessment and a national project on the adverse health effects of ultrafine particles with a focus on aviation. He has been president of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology as well of the Inhalation and Respiratory and Nanoscienc and Advanced Materials speciality sections of the US Society of Toxicology.
Contact information
Address for correspondence:
PO Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, the Netherlands